Sunday, December 12, 2010

Terry Jones Vs. Pittsburgh Media (Everyone especially artist MUST READ)

Hello #TEAMTERRY it's Terry Jones coming back at you once again, this time I'm ready for war. That's right, I'm disgusted with the media, especially in Pittsburgh PA. Recently you may have seen a very sad blog written by my friend and fellow Comic, Aaron Kleiber. It spoke about how The City Paper did not mention Comedy in their new "BEST OF" issue. Now they had categories such as "Best places to take a dump," or "Best Bartender." HAHAHAHA man Comedy is a JOKE in this city, nothing ironic about that, more like annoying! I mean what do the Entertainers of Pittsburgh, and other small major cities have to do to get some love!?

Bartenders and places to buy smokes get more love than us? When I first started doing stand-up, I used to say Pittsburgh doesn't support comedy, Pittsburgh doesn't support it's entertainers. Now that I'm older and been doing comedy longer, I realized, how can I blame the people? I mean lets be honest, Pittsburgh doesn't care about entertainment, this is a sports town, a town of violence, a town of party goers, so that's pretty much all the news highlights. They'll highlight a Pittsburgh Steeler wiping his ass, before they highlight a lot of the artist here (Yes imma Steelers fan just proving a point here). How can the people of Pittsburgh take anyone serious, if the media gives the entertainers in it no limelight?

Now I'm not saying do a article or a news story on every single entertainer, but i mean really? Wiz Khalifa doesn't need to rely on the local media, he's national so he'll get local media. So what about all the artist that are good but get absolutely no love because they're not national? They get nothing, so how can THE PEOPLE know who's the who of entertainment in Pittsburgh if the cities media doesn't show respect? Now Granted I have been on the Cover of THE CITY PAPER, and due to that publication, it helped more people take me serious (On the CP cover, Me, Mo Mosuch on the right, and Gab Bonesso in the middle). Hell that article got me out of state road work, it made it easier for people to understand that I am not a joke, but rather I tell them. It was cool, I thought it was awesome, Upcoming Pittsburgh Comedians have never been on the front page of anything here.                                               

Then the next piece of Comedy they wanted to cover was about, "Joke theives in Pittsburgh comedy." HAAHA ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I was told by the interviewer, "My Boss thinks this will be a interesting story." I mean it's bad enough we don't get enough press, and its bad enough people don't know to take us serious. But if that article would of came out, it would of looked like we were high school kids. All it had to be was someone that didin't like someone else could get the City Paper to post rumors instead of fact. We were the last of the local comedians to be covered by the City Paper, it's sad.

It's so bad that a lot of artist, are pushing themselves to high stress levels, by making there own media outlets. Jenesis Magazine,,, I mean that's hard work. My Friend Chayse Love has a website, its a website owned by a artist for artist to be spotlighted. I know that this is stressful on all these people, because as a artist you have to also get your work done. Aaron Kleiber has tons of shows, but he finds time to update the blog with almost every single Pittsburgh comedy show possible. He even puts details into show's he's not even on, yet has to find time to promote himself and perform at shows.

It's sad for Artist, how are we suppose to get out there? Ive been getting my name out there, I've opened up for many people, performed many places. And Pittsburgh still doesn't know who I am, funny thing is BET gave more more love than Pittsburgh. How backwards is that? I made a Spoof video on my youtube that became a hit, and BET's, CENTRIC TV showed love and posted the video on their website. Yet when I came out with my DVD, I asked to get pres and got played by various papers and websites. I remember one website advertised about black strippers coming into town at the Irish Center, but forgot to post a ad for my DVD? I still moved many units of DVD's, but for those that walk in the store and see the DVD. How can they take me serious if there is no help from the media?

The only website in Pittsburgh that showed love for my video was,, and any of my fellow artist blogs. But yet BET(A NATIONAL CHANNEL/COMPANY) can see my talent, but the media in my city can't? Hell I was on a Philly Website, I got a NYC website showing love, but to each there own. This is  a city that only had one Black radio station, a historical station. Say what you want about them not showing love to local artist as well, but it helped with Black national comedian that would come into town. It's no longer here at all, so now it's hard for the Black Community to find out what Black artist are in town. Because of this, what had to happen? A bunch of artist came together and got College radio stations. It was the only way people could get radio play, and that's ridiculous! There is a radio show here that won't let comedians on it, because they don't wanna be showed up by actual funny people? Hey that's just the word on the street, that the radio show doesn't want actual funny people on it. I don't know how true that is, but that's pathetic if it's true, suicide should be in order.

The ego of everyone in small major cities wanting to be Hollywood, is usually why things like this happen. Artist everywhere, not just here, I know the Cleveland's, and the Baltimore's, and the Minnesota's deal with this too. Artist should be more humble, but still no excuse for not highlighting the people who are on top of their game. Artist it's time for us to stop blaming the people for not coming out, but rather the media outlets. In other cities the News give highlights to National comedians that come into town to help advertise for weekends. But not here, I'm done blaming the people for  the disrespect of my art and others. Yeah there will be assholes, but the media outlets don't show enough love to give people a reason to take us serious. Lets make a stand and fight for ourselves, it's time to come together, UNITED WE STAND OR DIVIDED WE..........don't get any spotlight from the surrounding media we need. Keep on trucking, Terry Jones signing out #TEAMTERRY, I love you all.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Special Message from John Witherspoon(#TEAMTERRY SALUTE)


Thursday, November 4, 2010

My feelings on The Charlie Murphy getting Booed Video

Ok TeamTerry so hopefully you watch this clip, so i don't have to explain the story, but for those that can't watch it. Charlie Murphy got booed off stage at Grambling State University, by over 500 People. He Walked off stage without finishing his performance, but before he did, he gave the money back, said F**k You to the audience and kept on going. Now A lot of people are saying and feel what he did was unprofessional, now from the audience, consumer, and fan view it looks that way, now for my view as a comic. First of all the clip that we see is only 3:00 minutes, meaning he had to have been on stage for a while before anything went down, second of all the person taping probably felt it was gonna get bad and started taping. Now think about something we only see the part when they show him "being disrespectful", but they don't show what the crowd may have done to him.

Now hear me out, I am not a fan of Charlie Murphy, his brother is one of my biggest comedy influences though. Charlie is a good story teller, not a Stand-Up Comic. Now Cosby is a story teller, but does it on a level none of us will ever understand to be on. Now I don't feel Charlie Murphy is a REAL stand up comedian, but he's still a stand-up comic none the less. So I don't find anything funny on this except for him being bad-ass enough to lash back out. Granted its not the crowds fault they didn't get the material, it's our job to make a connection, and if we can't, it's just another loss.

Now let me explain from my personal experiences, we do have boiling points as Comedians. Usually if i have hecklers I can deal with it, I usually deal with it by making hecklers look stupid. But sometimes its not hecklers, sometimes you have a bad set/bad day, and the crowd is just not feeling you. I remember I did a show in Ohio, and had to feature and for 30 minutes no one laughed, I still got paid, but I dealt with it. I have seen fellow comics get booed, and that's always ugly. I have also seen people meltdown completely, those are usually the inexperienced performers. Occasionally you'll have your comedy vets meltdown, which is scary as hell.

Remember when Michael Richards snapped and had a meltdown? Well he's not really a comedian he's a guy who got famous and then decided to do stand up, just like Charlie Murphy. And when pushed he lashed out, whether he said a racist remark or just yelled, he was the bad guy. Yet at the same time, no one looked at the fact these guys heckled him and pushed him to the limit.  Stand up is the hardest and purest form of art or entertainment around. You take something, you create it, make it your own, and you share it to the world, and it's either hit or miss.This journey for me has been the most difficult, but understand this struggle teaches me too be strong and also teaches me how to handle situations like this. I have done shows where people didn't speak English, college students were being rude, hecklers were racist, and even crowds that didn't laugh at all.

It happens we(Comedians) have bad days, but sadly to audience members, we have a first impression to leave on people. On weekends when I'm booked as a opener, i have 6 shows average at a comedy club. I can do the same set with give or take different things in my set, and not all six shows will be the same, overall I'm gonna kill. But there are gonna be shows where I'm off and people will remember me as the dude who was just "ight." Charlie isn't the best by no means, but I will tell you this, I'm not a fan, but i still respect him. He's a fellow Stand-up, and imma have to also defend this situation.

Being we only see 3:00 minutes of the video, I don't know what all happened, but its obvious they wasn't feeling him. He is famous, so off his name alone I know he got cheers and people were excited to see him. But the crowd wasn't feeling him, some colleges make you perform pretty clean, maybe he wasn't dirty enough. Which is apparent from what he says via Twitter, so I feel his pain as a comic. You go on stage and its just YOU Vs. THE WORLD, and you gotta build to get Scott Pilgrim powers **Badum Ching** (boooooo tomato hits my face). He knew he did bad, and felt hurt, so he gave back the $22,000 dollar check.

Did he handle it right? No, it was wrong and unprofessional, but when these things happen to you as a comic, you can't help but fight back. It's funny, when people corner a animal, and it attacks and hurts the people that cornered it. You ever notice the animal is considered the threat, and the people are victims? The true victim is the animal, not the ones that cornered it, or invaded its territory, they were malicious. How do you point fingers at a mountain lion, for attacking a man on a mountain? Keyword in mountain lion is mountain dumb ass, Charlie Murphy got paid and flown in to perform.

It didn't go well and the crowd lashed out, he could of walked away, and kept the schools money, but he didn't. He gave it back, and walked off, so what he said F**k you. Look if you don't like a show get up and walk out, Ive seen people do that before, but people rather be assholes. He was at work, people didn't feel him and we move on to the next show, I'm not gonna sit here and clown him, i laugh at him lashing back at the audience more than anything.Good for him, because people think they can destroy others and get away with it. We live in a world, like i said in my last paragraph, where people are quick to scream victim, but the real victim is the bad guy.

How can you bash us and our art form, and have the nerve to be offended when we snap back? Go mess with a rattle snake and see if you don't get bit, its not a smart thing, and you're not a victim. I remember once someone threw a donut at Bill burr at a corporate show, and when Philly booed him, I'm talking thousands of people. And he lashed out and it was considered disrespectful on his part. How bout this, how bout I come to your job, and talk about how terrible you are at it. I'll forget your human, I'll forget you might be having a bad day, I'll even forget you are servicing to help me out. Before your stupid insecure self wants to make others feel down because you cry yourself to sleep, think before you do stuff.

You're funnier than Charlie Murphy? Really? But you don't do stand up comedy? How about you try 10 comedy shows, 10, without anyone you know in the crowd, and perform. I bet that you will find out QUICK, how hard it is to be a stand up comic. And maybe only then will you learn through the Hell, pain, and struggle, that this is the hardest form of entertainment or art on Earth. We go through Hell hoping with our thoughts and gift hoping you can get a piece of Heaven. Like I said it wasn't handled the best, but when the emotions of you being backed in a corner pop up you never know what someone or something will do to defend itself.

They will crucify him and spread him getting booed as a joke, because people like train wrecks, because it makes them feel like they're winning, Well guess what you're still a loser. And if any of you don't like this post "F**K YOU" **Drops Mic** HAHAH Just kidding I need you people and your money (Boooooooo). I hope this insight gives you a better understanding, I refuse too see this man crucified, and Grambling State University be treated like Victims.

My Greatest Comedic Experience Ever, Seeing Bill Cosby Live!

Greetings TEAMTERRY, how are you? Well as you know I recently released a video on my B-day called "Jello Puddin" I took on the form of one of the best ever. That's right I became Bill Cosby and paid homage to The King. I saw Cosby was coming to town, and got so excited!!!!! But I didn't didn't think I would be able to go, my b-day soon came up and my parents offered tickets as a gift. I didn't want to burden them with getting me tickets, I thought it was going to sell out. So I denied the offer, but I felt like my heart broke when I said no. A few years ago George Carlin came to Heinz Hall, another living Legend. And at the time I was starting to get steam and a buzz on my stand up, and had a few shows. I remember my parents offering tickets, but I said I'm booked so NEXT TIME.

So I went on with my shows and my life, thinking "George Carlin will live forever." And shortly after that, George Carlin died, my heart was devastated. Then with comics like, Greg Giraldo, and  Robert Schimmel dying, I just kept wondering how much longer does Cosby have left? Too me the three Original Kings Of Comedy are Richard Pryor, George Carlin and Bill Cosby. I felt like I was gonna regret not seeing Bill Cosby this time, and I felt sad. So I wake up Saturday and my parents make me choose my seats for the show. They didn't want to miss this living piece of black history, who made it possible for me. And I got seats close as hell, if you never seen Heinz Hall it's a huge theater that holds Symphonies. It felt like this was Fate to go see Cosby, I asked 9 people to go with me, getting turned down one by one. And those people were busy so it's all good, but in my mind I'm like this is THE BILL COSBY.

Not Just any comedian, but the man who was Richard Pryor's hero and biggest comedic influence. For Gods sake they have the same voice pitch delivery ( jazz rhythm delivery), Dr. Cosby made it possible so black comedians like myself can even perform mainstream. When Bill Cosby became the biggest comedian in mainstream, they started to take the NEGRO from the front of Black Comedians names. No longer was it Negro Comedian Dick Gregory, it was just Dick Gregory. He single handedly  mad people think that blacks could be funny without knowing what race the comic was. Now I hear folks say That Cosby did comedy for whites as a Black man, but this is not true. Pryor said what he wanted, Cosby told stories in his own way.

So with that being said, I turned into a little kid, as a young black comedian this is the biggest thing ever for me. I done worked with people I grew up sneaking to watch on TV, people i grew up wanting to be like, comedic influences. But this topped all of that, its not "Dr. Huxtable", it wasn't "Fat Albert and the Gang", it wasn't "Picture pages", it was the art of stand up that I couldn't wait to see. As I'm driving to the show I can't believe I'm going to see him, this is on my bucket list of life and comedy. I'm Driving and i feel like imma cry in excitement, and I park and head in by myself to see Bill Cosby.

I walk in and see how huge Heinz Hall is, and its amazing that all those seats are gonna fill up. I saw teenagers with parents, I saw young and old, Black and White, I saw everyone of many types. The Crowd size was tremendous, the fact that this man could draw so many people of all ages and color as a black man, was surreal. I sit down and can't wait  to finally see the man, jazz music plays until the seats fill up, and it was one of the best comedy show atmospheres I've ever been in. It was odd being a audience member haha, but I went this is goal. The Lights dim down, announcements are made, and here comes THE LEGEND BILL COSBY!

And man, the whole theater filled up with cheers, so many people clapping, and cheering. I stood up too my feet and gave the man the applause that he deserved. Without him there would be no Terry Jones or TeamTerry, and he starts to perform. Now understand Bill Cosby doesn't use openers, so the tone that is set fro the show is BILL COSBY. This man did 3 hours of Material, 3 HOURS!!! I know Dave Chappelle and Dane Cook have the Records, yeah yeah, but understand for 3 Hours Bill Cosby used stories. It wasn't a ton of Improvised fillers, he did Improv some things, but for 3 hours he killed.

It was the greatest Live show I have ever seen, I was blessed to see the man himself. Not many Living legends that paved the way still alive. And I would advise if you ever get a chance to see a living legend live, do it, and don't think that there is a NEXT TIME, because there may not be. SALUTE to the Legend Bill Cosby, thank you Mr. Cosby for making this all possible.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mark Millar's Superior Issue #1 Review!!!!!

Ok, ok, you can pick up that I'm one of the only comic geeks that like Mark Millar, yeah so what? Well Mark Millar again writing on the Icon Imprint/Marvel, starts to write something great again. Now lately everything has been very violent and vulgar and pushing the boundaries. But this time Millar promises us a more of a for everyone styled comic-book, we all know he loves superman, right? He Exploits the fact that a lot of us say that, Superman is too perfect, and not relatable, unless you're a illegal alien. I was more into guys like PRIME (ULTRAFORCE) or  CAPTAIN MARVEL (SHAZAAM not Kazaam you asshole) because they were kids/teens who could transform into Superman styled characters. Well Mark Millar has been writing comics in the style of, how could it be possible for these things to happen in our real time.So he takes and gives us Superman and Shazaam Mixed.

Superior is about a young boy who has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and has went from being a great athlete to being battered and handicap. We start by seeing a Superhero on the big screen, and two best friends watching it. Simon and his Best friend Chris are enjoying the movie, after the movie ends Chris speaks on how Superior is too Perfect, but Simon doesn't agree, he thinks he's the best superhero ever. While outside the theater some kids tease Simon for having MS, but his friend Chris takes up for him. His Hot Comic book Drawn mom later comes to help him too, but he thinks about how much his friend is a great person. It makes him think about what he can't do or be anymore, but as he goes to sleep a special character greets him. And our friend Scott Pooni is granted a wish that will change his life forever, he becomes THE SUPERIOR. This is a series I'm very excited about, especially because of how the story is written, and the art by Leinil Francis Yu is beautiful. I would give this series so far a 9.5/10 its amazing, I'm excited to know what is going to happen. It's a nice start to a series, it reminds me of what we'd love to wish for, if we were granted powers (Comic Geeks at least).

KICK-ASS 2 Issue #1 REVIEW!!!!

          The moment we all been waiting for, the 2nd series to Kick-Ass!!! Now with the success of the first comic book series in Millarsworld, Icon/Marvel comics. Kick-Ass came into the comic book scene with a statement! Mark Millar gave us the concept of what if (yeah as usual Millar lol) someone who loved heroes and comics so much decided to become a superhero. With the success of it being a rare printed comic book in this day and age was amazing! With art done by the Great John Romita Jr. (Spider-man, Daredevil, and son of Legendary comic artist Romita Sr.) and the writing of Mark Millar. It became a instant hit, after being adapted to a movie it brought popularity into the series,well written movie that had a gross revenue of  96,117,224. This was a movie that kept up with The best hero movies of all time, from Batman to Spider-man, So Series two issue #1 finally came out.

          If you haven't read Series one or seen the movie, do that before getting into this.We start off with Mindy (Hit-Girl) training Kick-Ass heavy in the Gym. We all know Kick-ass couldn't fight worth a damn in series 1, but now he's training to become a real KICK-ASS (Badum Ching). We also learn in this issue that Kick-Ass wants to start or join a real Superhero faction. We also pick up on the fact that there are now more heroes and villains walking around, since Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl Defeated a Crime-Lord. And with Red Mist being the main super villain now since we left off series 1, it's gonna get interesting. Hit-girl is now being forced into living a regular life, and Kick-Ass tells us events of the future as he's telling the opening story! The Writing is Millars Best in a while, because Nemesis is just a shocker, but awesome none the less. Kick-Ass has great Writing, and it feels like a Movie now, and this excites me for this series as much as BATMAN AND ROBIN. I give  KICK-ASS Issue #1 a 10/10, Its F**KING AMAZING!!!! A MUST READ! And this series will get you guys excited into wanting for issue after issue. Its Better than Series 1 so far, and that was Bad-ASS, KICK-ASS (Badum Ching).

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Well As You Read my Issue #2 Review which if you notice, I don't really give in depth to ruin the storyline for you, or try to make you have my view. I just give my opinion, time after time I read or watch Reviews on a Comic or a Comic series, and if they hate the series, they bash you with why they hate it. Never do they just say their opinion and let you choose to go read it, so here we go( Heath Ledger Joker Voice). So We Last Left off with Nemesis getting captured by every form of law and soldier possible in America, and now we go to him in Prison, as a press conference states that they now have him under custody and under control, and stating that his henchmen are not smart enough to do any damage. This  statement is true if...................It wasn't all part of the Plan(Heath Ledger Joker Voice). Nemesis shows them that he can't be contained and breaks out of Prison, with one of the most Bad-Ass Fights in a comic book ever, he fights 100 guys! And the surprise he has in store for the great Chief Inspector Blake Morrow can't hold him. This was a big pick up and excited me for Issue #4 and shows how much power that Nemesis has. I Give Issue #3 a 9/10. This is a Must Read Series, some will like it, some feel Mark Millar is Overrated, I Personally feel he's pretty damn genius.


So Last time I posted a review about this, it was NEMESIS #1, I explained that the best description Mark Millar could give us is. What if Batman was a complete Asshole, or what if Batman had everything that he has, from his training, his wealth and everything, but was a Villain with the mindset of the Joker. Well we finally learn that Nemesis comes from a wealthy family, but wants revenge for his parents being humiliated and arrested for crime. In this issue NEMESIS takes everyone on a High speed chase after they tried to set a trap for him, after getting Addressed he claims that it was a part of his plan. The action is very cool, the writing for this book is kinda Parody, everywhere, and just over the top pushing the limits for a comic book.  Mark Millar since writing Kick-Ass and making a major Motion Picture hit, has been trying with this new Branch of Marvel known as ICON (EYE SEE YOU). He has given us What IF Regular people in our world did this, and it was successful with Kick-Ass Storyline wise, it was good. With Nemesis, I feel that I am just being taken on a crazy action ride, kinda like how he wrote WANTED. I recommend you check this series out with no doubt, if you're into very violent and over the top comics (I Love Me some Punisher Max). Overall with the Storyline so far being kinda Blah but yet edge of your seat, action pack, wanting to know more about the Mysterious character and his motives, will make you want to read more. I gave issue #1 a 9.5/10, But I will be giving Issue #2 a 7.0/10 OVERALL. I Say Check this series out from #1 up to when 4 comes out.

New Must Reads (Comic Books)


Hello TeamTerry, Welcome back to the Samurai Comedians Blog. As you all know imma huge comic book fan/geek, and I want to let you know about a few series of comics that are must read.
1st up is the New Batman and Robin Series, after "The fight for the cowl" Dick Grayson(First Robin/Nightwing) Takes over as the Dark knight, and Batmans son Damien Wayne is the new Robin. I know what you're thinking, Dick Grayson as Batman will never top Bruce Wayne. Don't hate me for this but uhhhhhh, Bruce Wayne is in trouble because they wrote Dick Grayson as a amazing Batman! He has a sense of humor, he's more fun, he's still just as Bad-ass, he fits the Suit well. Now as for the new Robin Damien, just like Damien from the Omen, he's scary as hell. Imagine if Bruce Wayne was Robin, but a kid Bruce Wayne that actually doesn't care if he Kills people or not. Well thats Damien, after the "Death" of Bruce Wayne (Darkseid shot him with beams that sent him back in time) Someone had too take over. Tim Drake (The third Robin) is now RED ROBIN, who is on search to find Bruce Wayne all over the world. The Joker is lost without his Batman O______O, and Superman had to get adjusted to Dick Grayson being Batman. With so much going on how can you not read this story line!? Everything is leading up to the Return of Bruce Wayne. Batman fans must read this! I feel like I left many holes and Gaps, oh yeah that's right, I don't wanna ruin it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

THE COSBY SHOW// Comedian Takes on Cosby in Jell-O Pudding Spoof | On Centric blog

source: BET


Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

50 tyson (Spoof) Part 2

New Short Film Starring me, "One Hit Wonderless"

Whats up Team Terry it's been a while I know, and I apologize, but it feels so good too be baaaaaccccckkkk! Ok so I, Terry Jones have been busy, and haven't been able to write a blog. Now I will be playing MC DDB (Dolla Dolla Bills) in Dom Shuck's Comedy Short film. Yes the same Director and Writer of the Short Film "One Day", which will be released soon! Here are som Screen Shots from the Short, and I am also playing in another short that I will tell you more about..........Soon!
                                                                            (Director Dom Shuck and I during a scene)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What if the Tea Party was Black?

Peep the hot Conscious Rapper Jasiri X!!!! This is True as Hell!!!! Enjoy :-)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

More Onset Stills From The Short Film "One Day"

Whats up TEAM TERRY!?  I'm just giving you a langston update! The Short Film "One Day" By Dom Shuck is still underway. Here are a couple of the onset stills, and man do they look Bad-Ass!!! I can't wait to see the final cut, just as much as Team Terry!  Here they are, Langston being bad ass, and yeah that's green screen lol.

Langston Punching

Looking over how great the one scene looked. With Director Dom Shuck.

Being Directed for a shot

Langston Looking Bad-Ass Over Kick-Ass

Looking Bad-ASS!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Construction on my road? It's ok i'll find a Detour.

Go Team Terry!!! I'm very excited that people are starting to read my blog, and I want to thank all of you for supporting me. This post will be about my "Road Blocks", and how I’m dealing with them. I have been doing comedy for about 5 years now, from 18 to 23(I’ll be 24 soon, I’m getting old).I have had nothing but ups and downs, But I have no choice but to follow my heart. I didn't choose this path, this path chose me, and so I follow it by any means.

Doors open and close in this game, but to me life is a game we play to win. I don't play checkers, I play chess, and soon I will win. You know it gets depressing doing comedy, which is ironic being we help depressed people. To Quote Rorschach’s Joke from the graphic novel "The Watchmen." He says "Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says 'Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says 'But, doctor...I am Pagliacci.'"

Some days I wonder what am I doing with my life? Have I accomplished anything? I answer to myself by saying; you’re following your heart, the path that was chosen for you. You feel that you're in a losing game, but the only real losers are the ones who quit. When I played football in High School, it was funny that kids that didn't play would talk shit on the kids that were "Bench warmers." Yet those same kids would come and tryout for the team every year, and quit.

There would be hundreds of kids come out every year, and that number would slim. Their excuses might have fooled the average person, but not this Samurai. "I had to work, and watch my baby sister after school." Yeah and so did a lot of my team mates, but people who are jealous and/or insecure always talk. Those kids were not athletic, but had the heart to stick through the hard times. Those guys were my heroes, even more than the superstars.

Heart takes you far, and sometimes I got to remind myself that's the best way to live and think. HAHA, Hell I’ll probably have to come back every once in a while and read this to stay sane. But that's how I answer the first part, so what of question #2? Well I feel I have accomplished a couple things, I guess. See I try my best not to get comfortable with my accomplishments. Especially as a Comedian residing in Pittsburgh Pa, though my resume is impressive I guess.

I have at my age done more than many people older than me, and that have been doing comedy longer than me. I have opened for Legends and people I grew up watching on T.V. But I try to make myself stay humble, and meditate on the bigger picture without getting comfortable. Some of my peers wish they could accomplish what I have, yet I go it's no big deal. It's all business for me, Opening for Eddie Griffin, and Damon Wayans is awesome. But I want to get that money and status they have, not be an opener 15 years later. So I keep on trucking, even when I go from huge shows, to doing a show with 12 people watching in a shit bar.

When ever these road blocks or questions come to me, I will no longer wait in traffic. Time for this samurai to find a detour on his own road, Tigers are to strong for that. So I will stay sane, stay up, stay strong, and keep on moving along this journey to my destination. The Destination is boring without the story of the path, of how it was met. Look at "Conan the Barbarian" movies, they say he's a king at the end of both movies, and they tell you. "But that is another story”, and it's awesome knowing he becomes a king as we witnessed his Journey. It's Never about the destination, but it's about our Journey that makes us who we are at the end of the destination. So I let you all who follow, and support me, witness my journey. And I hope that all of you are enjoying this Road of Terry Jones............A Comedy Samurai.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stills and News from the Short Film "One Day" starring Terry Jones!

What's up Team Terry!? I'm back and as you may or may not know. I am starring in a short film called "One Day" Directed and Written by: Dom Shuck. The film is about a top mafia hitman/enforcer named Langston (Me), who no longer wants to be in the mob life. He wants to change his life for the better, all in order to get his girlfriend Bonita back. But on his way to go see Bonita and let her know he's quitting the life, he's confronted by some old friends about his departure. Check out some stills on set of "One Day", release news coming soon!


Me Getting a make-up, touch up.

Dom Shuck Directing the scene between Langston and Bonita.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A New Must Read "Mark Millars Nemesis" (Comic Review)

What's happenin people, I hope you enjoy this new blog and the mind of Comedian Terry Jones. View videos if you're new and have no Idea who I am (I Know I'm not the British Comedian Monty Python's Terry Jones you meant to google). But none the less, I haven't had many complaints about this Black Terry Jones kid. As you know I'm a comic geek, imma anime freak, imma nerdy, geeky, Samurai!!!!!

So, I shall share with you all the review on a comic book that is worth every penny. Not just worth every penny but worth your time as well. When it comes to Mark Millar, he takes the simplest Idea and turns in genius. In Marvel’s Civil War, the enemies were superheroes, and the super heroes were.........super heroes. It was nuts, and then KICK-ASS was a regular kid who did what all of us dreamed of. He became a hero, but was a normal kid.

Now walk with me on this genius idea, Imagine a guy like Bruce Wayne. Meaning he’s Rich as hell and having all the money, training, and heart of Batman. But ends up being as psychotic as the Joker!? Well if you love that, I present Mark Millars: Nemesis!!! It's crazy and to make all of us excited they put on the front "Makes KICK ASS LOOK LIKE SHIT!" I must admit this comic is sick, and the fact that they throw all comic rules out the window.

The Villain, who is our protagonist, is wearing a all white outfit and cape. Which usually in comic books certain colors would show who was good and bad. I love that they use the color white, on such an evil man. He's rich, he's bored, and he's pissed. And after defeating every single decorated Police officer all over the world. He decides to come to America and try his hand at the most difficult challenge.

And I don't want to give away too much, but I’m sucked in after the first issue and want more, so I can understand the purpose of Nemesis: the Worlds only super villain. Again me being a geek and needing to have the first print, I paid $20 Bucks for the very first print. And when it comes to Mark Millar Comics, get them ASAP. The Value of it usually shoots up right away, and they're usually rare prints. I say you go to a comic book store and get this right away, because you won't be disappointed. Thank you once again Mark Millar for entertaining us with something so genius (He has to smoke some high grade drug; these basic ideas are so genius).

Comic Books, And how to save money! (Comic Reviews)

What's up Team Terry!? As you guys all know, Terry Jones is a comic book geek, man I love comics. I was born in 1986, so I didn't get to enjoy the comic boom of the 70's and 80's though I collect them from that time era. But I did enjoy the 90's boom of comics; I was raised on Marvel (THE BEST), some DC (BATMAN!), and Image Comics (SPAWWWWWWNNNNNN!!!!!).

I can't help but be surprised with how much the comic market is still booming! I mean comic books are still selling still relevant and everything we enjoy about our favorite heroes and villains have changed for better and some for worst. But with great Writers and great artist to keep our interest, how can we not love comics!? Hell comics are even more violent these days, such as my favorite punisher max, Kick-Ass, Nemesis and so on.

Now with the price of comic books being sooooo expensive these days, and a recession that's "Over" but still has aftermath. You ask yourself, am I spending on the right product? And with the technology these days to download a whole comic book series and read it for free is so easy. So why spend the money? Well if you're a true collector like me, the feel of the pages and that comic book smell is amazing! Knowing that you have something worth more than you paid for it is exciting!(Am I having sex with women or reading comic books?)

Well I will tell you of a couple of interesting ways to save money, and still get you comic book fix. Now one interesting way to save money is to buy a whole comic book series in trade. Meaning it’s a paperback or hardcover version of the whole series. "But aren't those books expensive Terry?" It's cheaper than you think actually, if you just want to read and not collect for comic book value. I have all 8 issues of KICK-ASS and even though it's a fairly new comic book, it's worth a lot of money.

I spent $15 Dollars just to have a first print of the first issue a while back. And it's been 4.99 a comic after that one (Which I was very lucky, price has up'd on it). So I spent a overall after time $50 Dollars on the whole series just to own them in comic book form. Which KICK-ASS is a Series to read, imagine this, someone decides to become a hero just like we always wanted. But with no training, no powers, and no gadgets. Nothing but, heart, stupidity, pride, and a dream. It's a great series to read!

So now that the trade is out, it's only 15 dollars for the whole "Novel form" of all 8 comics. It seems expensive when you go to buy a whole series and spend 20 bucks, but I spend 20 bucks on just four comic books! So consider that option when deciding to purchase a series for just reading purpose, or try the library. For old comic books, imma tell you my secret, get ready...................antique shops and garage sales.

I have come upon a lot of my old comic books through Antique shops, for dirt cheap prices. Some new series are worth spending, some aren't but saving money helps us all a lot. Hopefully this was helpful, because I have a comic addiction, hence why comic geeks are geeks..............HULK SMASH!!!!

Terry Jones

Review for Chayse'd new hit single SEXDOLL!

Hello Chasers, its comedian Terry Jones giving an “exciting” review about the new Chayse song “Sex Doll.” Now when it comes to Chayse, I am one of her biggest fans out here. I met Chayse back in 07 and fell in love with her shows and music, but I shall give an unbiased review. Chayse has a style that is considered house, or dance music. And there have been songs that I’m not that fond of, and then tracks I’m a huge fan of. (I’m an over all fan of Chayse)

So you know to expect some techno and dance sounds, which she pulls off very well. Even though I would love to hear Chayse on a Pop/ R&B style song one day. Hearing songs like “The Thrill Vision x Club mix”, “Do me baby”, and “Loving and Leaving” causes you to do nothing but fall in love with Chayse. So you ask yourself, how can Chayse top her own hot songs that we love? Is it possible for her to out do hits she already has?

The answer to that question is “Sex Doll”, this song is crazy! This song is probably, in my top five Chayse songs. The way the production starts, you feel something epic coming. And after seconds of the beat, Chayse comes in with very catchy lyrics. Lyrics you’ll probably be singing, while in line with groceries while people look at you nuts. The song reminds me of a musical version of “The Stepford wives”, the message is great.

It’s as if she’s singing about what a lot of men want, the desires and lusty urges. Let’s face it men, we can be pigs, wanting a woman who doesn’t talk too much and wants it all day. So that’s your “Sex Doll.” We want the women to cook, clean, sex us to the extreme, and stay in tip top society styled, all Seeing Eye shape. (Not all men, just a lot of us, hell even women these days.) There is also an even BIGGER message if you listen close enough. I love the vocal arrangements in this song, the mixing, the message, and the Production. This song will have you excited for even more music evolution from Chayse. And after getting a sneak listen from the vault, I can’t wait to hear this next album!

The Thrill is over people, we are going to just be chasing because we can’t get enough. So keep on Chasing, Chasers, and be prepared for the greatness. I can’t wait for you guys to hear “Sex Doll”; this Jam is going to blow you away. It’s going to Blow you away more than Lindsey Lohan does Blow! (That’s a lot of blow yo)


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Documentary about Comedian Terry Jones

This was recorded month's ago but is still a good Documentary to watch, being followed at Open mic's and shit gigs. Comedians interviewed in this also include Nick Milton and Kenny Champion. Special thanks to WPTS 92.1 for allowing footage to be shot in their radio station.

Being Funny from Brett McGinnis on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Richard Pryor Vs. Bill Cosby who was more militant and "BLACK"

So I wanted to share this along side the last post, check it out, it's informative.

Richard Pryor idolized Bill Cosby, Richard is still the #1 Comedian of All time, but Cosby is a Black King!

Richard has Cosby's rhythm and even tried to perform like him, and found it wasn't for him and he found his own way. Richard Pryor single handedly took the Power out of the N-Word. Pryor was considered such a civil rights leader, and slayer of the N-Words power, he got death threats when he stopped using it.

He later realized that the word is probably the worst word ever created on earth. Now Pryor was friends with top Black artist, civil rights leaders such as Jim Brown, Jesse Jackson, and even Black Panther Leader Huey P. Newton. He was so Militant on stage as a Black Man. But off stage, he had such a bad black man struggle that it's amazing!

Dr. Cosby, Single Handedly was such a good stand up; they never used the term Negro in front of his name. Back in times they used to use Negro followed by the Comedians name. Dick Gregory aka the first black comedian to do political jokes was labeled Negro Comedian Dick Gregory. Not many know this, but thanks to Dr. Cosby, they took the Negro out of black comedians’ names. And Cosby was considered "White?" you ignorant bastards!

Thanks to Dr. Cosby, he made a sitcom that didn't take place in the projects, and where characters were successful black people. Dr. Cosby played a Dr. and his wife was a lawyer, and they lived in a nice big house. Dr. Cosby opened so many doors for Blacks. Hell thanks to him Pryor was able to become Pryor. Cosby was cool, smooth, and hilarious. Know your history before you pop off about people next time. But I would like to thank both of these Men for opening doors beyond anyone’s comprehension. Cosby had more militant or better yet Pro-Black ways than some can comprehend. I want Dr. Cosby money, and I will keep going on the path I take daily.

Terry Jones

What exactly is "Black?" Lets break this down.....Chea!

Play this as you read this post.

Hello my people, its comedian Terry Jones back again for another episode. This time I will be explaining my thoughts and feelings about, what is "Black?" I recently have been hearing some very stupid, ignorant ass stuff lately. I recently was accused of forgetting I’m black, and having a white mind. I think it's hilarious that the people associate race with the wrong things. First off, I hate when people always say "We're black artist, we have to stick together!" No we don't have to stick together because we have the same skin color, that's ignorant to think. If someone is untalented, unprofessional, and toxic waste of time, why mess with them? (70's voice)Black people, black people, it's time to step your games up babyyyyyy.

When I think of black, I think of us African-Americans having a culture, a history, not association with being ignorant. We have been afflicted, by ignorance, which we afflict on each other. There is no such proper way to be black in my opinion, except don't forget you're black. As long as you're aware that Racism will still affect you, that is remembering you're black. "Helping" someone just because they are black, but they are ruining everything is "Black." See a lot of people are not familiar with Willie Lynchsm, and everyone wants to use the term "sold out" first chance they get.

Selling out is forgetting you're black, not being aware you're black, and being gullible to the racism around you (Even same race racism). Willie Lynch was a "Slave Master" who came up with a way to control slaves, and passed it on to other slave masters. The plan was to put the Blacks against the Blacks, old against the young, dark against the light, man against the women and etc. That still applies today, it's hilarious that we call people "Uncle Toms", which is a term used for a sell out, or a black person who acts white.

But in reality, the Uncle Tom’s to me are the Coons, the puppets of Willie Lynchism. Before you use the term sell out, or dub someone "white" for not knowing Gucci Mane lyrics. Stop and look at yourself in the mirror and ask what do you know of this culture, you so much judge others on? Being black is more than knowing rap lyrics, or watching BET (What I like to call NET, figure that out :-) haha). This is about getting your own, and not waiting for handouts, "OBAMAS IN OFFICE WE AIN'T GOTTA DO SHIT NO MORE! 40 ACRES AND MULE MY NIG!"

Cut that ignorant ass coonery out, you're black, yet you don't have any knowledge of being mentally scarred? I don't want 40 Acres and a Mule; I'll work for my 40 Acres, and a Car. Step your game up people, because this brotha is far from a sell out. Keep Coonin in your life, matter of fact, how about this. If being Black is being, ignorant, dumb, dirty, crazy, and close minded. Then I'll just continue to be the "white-Boy" you continue to blame me for being. Better yet, "I’m American mentally, with Japanese tendencies." I rather be that than "Black" Because Terry Jones, a African-American, B-Lacking nothing! Peace.

Terry Jones

My Best Week in Comedy Ever!!!

Hello, Terry Jones friends and fans, this is the news you have wanted to hear all weekend. Since you guys seem to enjoy when I blog, and share my experiences, this is one you'll love. So this past weekend, I got a chance to open for Damon Wayans. It was without a doubt the best week I ever had in my comedy career. From Thursday to Sunday, I got a chance to work with someone I grew up watching on T.V.(seems to be a trend I know) it was fun.

Wednesday I got a call from the Improv asking if I could work the Damon Wayans weekend. And I said I can do everyday except for Thursday, due to me having a headline show at Robert Morris University. I was told that I’d have to do all the days, so I was flustered. I called to confirm the RMU show, and I let them know I was going to double book for Thursday. So I call back, and confirm that I can do all the shows.So now I'm stressing over the fact I’m double booked, and having shows 30 minutes away starting around the same time. So Thursday comes and I head to the Improv early, it's packed inside for a Thursday.

So Damon Wayans, his daughters, and his son Damon Jr. all come in the club. I talk to Damon Jr. for a minute and get a feel for his personality. He was a real cool guy, kind of reminded me of someone I would hangout with.After talking to him, and getting his credits (So that when i introduce him I can say "you've seen him on this show, this movie, and etc) I head to the green room. And I go to see what Damon Wayans wants me too say, and I must say he was one of the coolest people ever. Not fun cool, or goofy cool, but just a smooth guy, you know? He told me what he wanted me to say, and time for Showtime. He asked "Is the show about to start?" I replied yeah we're about to start, and he said "do your thing brotha," which I found to be thoughtful.So I go up and I perform and I have a great set, and Damon Wayans Jr. comes up next and kills it, and then his Dad does the same. Damon Jr. says to me, "I think we tag together well on this show." Damon Wayans Jr. was amazing, keep your eyes open for him. But I agreed with him. After the first night I head right out to Robert Morris, and to my luck the show got set back an hour so I made it on time.

I had so much fun; it was the best college show I ever performed at. It felt good coming from a great show, to go to a great show.Friday comes and the day starts off good, I got a chance to see my baby twin nieces, Bobby and Charley. They always start off my Fridays with a smile and inspiration, so it was good. Then it was Showtime again, this time I brought my DVD's with me. Especially since I don't have to rush to another show afterwards, and I would now have time to sell them. So I ask Damon Jr. if he thinks its ok to sell merchandise, he makes the "I'm not sure" face. And he tells me to ask his Dad. So I head back to the Green room, knock on the door, and the door opens. I say hi and I ask if it would be ok to sell merchandise at the end of the show. And he replied, "You can sell whatever you want brotha, and I hope you sell everyone of them." I ask is there any other announcements or anything else you need me to say. He says "Nope, everything’s good man, have a good set." I felt his gesture was honest and heartfelt, it felt good that he understood the hustle. He knew I was trying to grind and make my money and get my product (Me) out there. Friday was amazing and so was Saturday, DVD sells were crazy. People were buying my DVD’s left and right, there was a line for Terry Jones DVD's. It was amazing, it was the perfect show, and my style complimented both of theirs. A lot of people and even staff at the club said, it was the best show they seen in years.

People said it was a perfect fit; it was as if the show was tailor fitted. Sunday night came and the weekend ended, and as they left, Damon Wayans goes "It was nice working with you" and he daps me up. As he leaves he says "I'll see you in LA." I never said I was gonna be in LA, but it was as if he knew my potential and knows I have a chance. And knows that I want to go, and or will make it to LA. It was the best weekend ever, I never been a part of a perfect fitted show. A lot of people are star struck by the fact it was the Damon Wayans. When it comes to a true fan, I’m a huge Damon Wayans fan. He's one of my biggest influences on my funny personality, my sketch and comedy acting.

I don't get super excited about working with big stars. I get excited for the opportunity given, but not the person. I give them space, I stay professional, and I do my job. And that's how you get work, being egotistical will get you no where. I do impressions of his characters; this was the best weekend, even better than when I featured for Eddie Griffin. So it was amazing, and a perfect showcase, it's just a depressing thing at the same time. You do these shows with huge stars and you think what’s next? I work with people I grew up watching a lot, so it just makes me wonder for the future. What is the next thing for my career, only the fates can let that thread be known. Until then, I appreciate your support, and I continue to want you to be able to witness my journey. Oh yeah.............HULK SMASH!!!!!!

Terry Jones