Go Team Terry!!! I'm very excited that people are starting to read my blog, and I want to thank all of you for supporting me. This post will be about my "Road Blocks", and how I’m dealing with them. I have been doing comedy for about 5 years now, from 18 to 23(I’ll be 24 soon, I’m getting old).I have had nothing but ups and downs, But I have no choice but to follow my heart. I didn't choose this path, this path chose me, and so I follow it by any means.
Doors open and close in this game, but to me life is a game we play to win. I don't play checkers, I play chess, and soon I will win. You know it gets depressing doing comedy, which is ironic being we help depressed people. To Quote Rorschach’s Joke from the graphic novel "The Watchmen." He says "Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says 'Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says 'But, doctor...I am Pagliacci.'"
Some days I wonder what am I doing with my life? Have I accomplished anything? I answer to myself by saying; you’re following your heart, the path that was chosen for you. You feel that you're in a losing game, but the only real losers are the ones who quit. When I played football in High School, it was funny that kids that didn't play would talk shit on the kids that were "Bench warmers." Yet those same kids would come and tryout for the team every year, and quit.
There would be hundreds of kids come out every year, and that number would slim. Their excuses might have fooled the average person, but not this Samurai. "I had to work, and watch my baby sister after school." Yeah and so did a lot of my team mates, but people who are jealous and/or insecure always talk. Those kids were not athletic, but had the heart to stick through the hard times. Those guys were my heroes, even more than the superstars.
Heart takes you far, and sometimes I got to remind myself that's the best way to live and think. HAHA, Hell I’ll probably have to come back every once in a while and read this to stay sane. But that's how I answer the first part, so what of question #2? Well I feel I have accomplished a couple things, I guess. See I try my best not to get comfortable with my accomplishments. Especially as a Comedian residing in Pittsburgh Pa, though my resume is impressive I guess.

When ever these road blocks or questions come to me, I will no longer wait in traffic. Time for this samurai to find a detour on his own road, Tigers are to strong for that. So I will stay sane, stay up, stay strong, and keep on moving along this journey to my destination. The Destination is boring without the story of the path, of how it was met. Look at "Conan the Barbarian" movies, they say he's a king at the end of both movies, and they tell you. "But that is another story”, and it's awesome knowing he becomes a king as we witnessed his Journey. It's Never about the destination, but it's about our Journey that makes us who we are at the end of the destination. So I let you all who follow, and support me, witness my journey. And I hope that all of you are enjoying this Road of Terry Jones............A Comedy Samurai.
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