I can't help but be surprised with how much the comic market is still booming! I mean comic books are still selling still relevant and everything we enjoy about our favorite heroes and villains have changed for better and some for worst. But with great Writers and great artist to keep our interest, how can we not love comics!? Hell comics are even more violent these days, such as my favorite punisher max, Kick-Ass, Nemesis and so on.
Now with the price of comic books being sooooo expensive these days, and a recession that's "Over" but still has aftermath. You ask yourself, am I spending on the right product? And with the technology these days to download a whole comic book series and read it for free is so easy. So why spend the money? Well if you're a true collector like me, the feel of the pages and that comic book smell is amazing! Knowing that you have something worth more than you paid for it is exciting!(Am I having sex with women or reading comic books?)
I spent $15 Dollars just to have a first print of the first issue a while back. And it's been 4.99 a comic after that one (Which I was very lucky, price has up'd on it). So I spent a overall after time $50 Dollars on the whole series just to own them in comic book form. Which KICK-ASS is a Series to read, imagine this, someone decides to become a hero just like we always wanted. But with no training, no powers, and no gadgets. Nothing but, heart, stupidity, pride, and a dream. It's a great series to read!
I have come upon a lot of my old comic books through Antique shops, for dirt cheap prices. Some new series are worth spending, some aren't but saving money helps us all a lot. Hopefully this was helpful, because I have a comic addiction, hence why comic geeks are geeks..............HULK SMASH!!!!
Terry Jones
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