Hello TeamTerry, Welcome back to the Samurai Comedians Blog. As you all know imma huge comic book fan/geek, and I want to let you know about a few series of comics that are must read.
1st up is the New Batman and Robin Series, after "The fight for the cowl" Dick Grayson(First Robin/Nightwing) Takes over as the Dark knight, and Batmans son Damien Wayne is the new Robin. I know what you're thinking, Dick Grayson as Batman will never top Bruce Wayne. Don't hate me for this but uhhhhhh, Bruce Wayne is in trouble because they wrote Dick Grayson as a amazing Batman! He has a sense of humor, he's more fun, he's still just as Bad-ass, he fits the Suit well. Now as for the new Robin Damien, just like Damien from the Omen, he's scary as hell. Imagine if Bruce Wayne was Robin, but a kid Bruce Wayne that actually doesn't care if he Kills people or not. Well thats Damien, after the "Death" of Bruce Wayne (Darkseid shot him with beams that sent him back in time) Someone had too take over. Tim Drake (The third Robin) is now RED ROBIN, who is on search to find Bruce Wayne all over the world. The Joker is lost without his Batman O______O, and Superman had to get adjusted to Dick Grayson being Batman. With so much going on how can you not read this story line!? Everything is leading up to the Return of Bruce Wayne. Batman fans must read this! I feel like I left many holes and Gaps, oh yeah that's right, I don't wanna ruin it!

NEXT UP: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN!!! How can you not love Spidey? He's funny, he's one of those original breakout super heroes, hell he's the MARVEL Cover boy. I won't lie to you, the only thing that really got me into this particular Spider-Man series, is the Art by Paola Rivera, who is by far a unreal great artist! With the Popularity of Spider-Man Rising again(YES!!!!!!!!!) there have been other great series to read. MARVEL NOIR had the SPIDER-MAN Noir set during the Great Depression, and man was his outfit the Most Bad-ass thing since Ben Reilly Spiderman, This is a more darker version of Spider-Man. Usually with Batman you expect his enemies to fear him, but this is the first time in a long time, we see Spidey pissed off. If you get a chance catch up on this series as well. Comics can be pricey these days, so it causes people who cant afford to read whole books to download them. Real comic book fans know, that the smell and feel, and actual handle of a comic book will never top Downloading. Hell I like the way comics look on a IPAD or ITOUCH, but it's not better than the real deal. Check these Comic series out, or just wait til the whole series comes out on Paper Back or Hardcover Trade.
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