Hello #TeamTerry, well I know you all remember I did my review on issue #1 of Superior. Well here I will be reviewing issue #2 and #3, let's start with issue #2.

We last left off with Simon Pooni, the young man who has been granted one wish, was granted to become his favorite superhero, SUPERIOR. All this was granted by a monkey in a space suit o_O, anyways, he goes to a friends house and explains the "deep shit" he's in. Now I loved issue one because, I felt it was heart felt and had more substance than shock value. Mark Millar has been on this shock value kick lately with this Marvel branch of comics called Icon. That's the reason "Kick-Ass" was so awesome, but Superior isn't as vulgar. So in Issue two, Simon Poonie reaches his best friend Chris to let him know of his new powers, Chirs doesn't believe him until he tells hims something only a best friend would know. Afterwards they head out to test Simons new powers, they test strength, super hearing, and any other powers SUPERMAN has lol. Later when he test his flight powers, he sees a space station being destroyed, now this looks like a job for SUPERIOR! This, issue had a little more curse words than I would have wanted for this comic to have, for books like WANTED, NEMESIS, and KICK-ASS you expect that. I feel like Mark Millar is a great writer, but I'm starting to feel, he just puts curse words in places for no reason. Hell I cuss, and been cussing since teenage times, but C'MON SON! This comic doesn't need all that, anyway its a great series so far, I will give this a 8.5 out of 10.

OK MARK MILLAR, That's it man, did you have to put so many freakin cuss words in this damn issue!? They're kids man, come on I just want you to write a pure comic at least once, a damn and a shit here and there is ok, but a F-BOMB!? Anyways, in Issue 3 we see Superior save the space station, and we are introduced to a female reporter, sounds familiar huh? Anyways, NYC witness's the space station stop and lift away to central park. The cool thing is this is more realistic, she mentions how there are no zoom ins or cool movie angles, so nobody saw him. As this reporter speaks on about the people being saved, they finally get a clear shot of him saving a lost submarine. So now the world knows of SUPERIOR. Simon then talks to his bestfriend, who suggest he should tell his mother about his new powers, at the end of the issue, we see the space moneky, and it turns out. He is not as he seems, ok yeah it's short because I don't want to spoil the whole thing, you'll never read it if I do. I give this issue a 7.5 out of 10. Too much cursing and not enough good dialogue. But I am trapped in the series.
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